The Whole Family

The Whole Family
Christmas 2006



My Starlit Golf Course

The golf course down the street from my house was a place of late evening adventure. I would spend countless summer nights running thought the darkening expanses of wet grass with my brothers and sisters, yelping childishly as one of them chased me. 

But there was more to the golf course than the patter of small feet and the glory of play. There was a mood that fell over the course that as a child I did not understand, but I grew to love. 

The night sky was brightly lit with the constellations as they danced alongside the golden moon. The various rows of small trees matched the rhythm of the night sky as the wind tickled the leaves and branches. 

Under the black and silver night canvas I would twirl. My hands extended outwards, palms turned upward, my face glowed beneath the glimmer of the country sky and I let my feet lose control. I spun, mindlessly, as I clung onto the stars with my eyes. The child that I was drank in the night air, swallowing the elixir and capturing in her soul the magnificence of the world. I collapsed onto the ground, dizzied and breathless, tangled hair framing my young head as I panted. 

Life can be your starlit golf course hidden away at the tip of a dead end street. You can twirl and look up at your stars and remember that your heart is still young and hopeful.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this one! Exhilerating, expresses in a few words a magnificent sensation and a beautiful image...

    Reminds me also of the night we watched the shooting stars from the trampoline. I think we were too tired to fully appreciate it (around 1:00) but it was a participation in the night sky much like this one.
